Bright spot:
After adding the anti-fouling bacteria of Bio- Form, effluent concentration of COD and ammonia nitrogen both meet the requirement.
Guangzhou Longzhu Chemical Company Limited is located in Mark Industrial Zone, Dongyong Town. Its major business is paint making, ink manufacturing, and other related products. Dormitories are in the factory, of which the domestic sewage is discharged through a small treatment device. The water treatment capacity of the system is 10m3/d. But this rotating biological disc process system cannot satisfy the demand of management, its effluent concentration of COD and ammonia nitrogen cannot meet the standard.
The biological turntable device in Longzhu chemical factory
Two weeks after the addition of Bio-Form® decontamination, Bio-Form® nitrification and NBA ammonia nitrogen remover agent, the effluent concentration of COD and ammonia nitrogen both improved a lot.
The table of inlet and outlet of water of the system
*Unit: mg/L.